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Vieste del Gargano

Capitale indiscussa del Turismo della Puglia. 

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Vieste, the easternmost of the Gargano tenants, is one of the towns on the promontory that has had significant importance due to its strategic geographical position. In fact it had control of the marine trade of the Adriatic. This town is bordered by two long sandy beaches and, for years, a destination for tourists from all over Europe. The locality today represents one of the major seaside resorts in Italy.
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Pronto soccorso, Vieste Località Coppitella, tel. 0884 706530; Guardia Medica Tel. 0884705645.
Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S G Rotondo Viale Cappuccini, 1, tel. 0882 411600;

Farmacia Del Porto: Via Giovanni XXIII, 18, tel. 0884 / 705548
Farmacia Di Lauro: Viale XXIV Maggio, 88, tel. 0884 / 708012
Farmacia S. Giuseppe: Corso Lorenzo Fazzini, 23, tel. 0884 / 708019
Farmacia S. Giorgio: piazzale Aldo Moro 78-80, tel. 0884 / 708177

Turni delle farmacie 

Parafarmacia S. Maria di Merino, via S. Maria di Merino n. 48, tel. 0884 708844;
Parafarmacia Liddo, Viale XXIV Maggio, 61/63, tel. 0884 708884;

Osteopata Alfredo Colella - Tel: 338 2051293

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